Federation of Austrian Industries launches "IVote" campaign for the 2024 EU elections

IV relies on personalization and authenticity to mobilize voters for the EU elections 

In June 2024, the European Union is at a decisive turning point. The upcoming EU elections are not only an opportunity for citizens to make their voices heard, but also a critical moment that will have a major impact on the future of Europe. The elections come at a time when Europe is facing numerous challenges, from geopolitical tensions to climate and social change. In order to get as many people as possible to the polls, the Federation of Austrian Industries is relying on role models from industry, employees, managers and apprentices to use their vote for the future of Europe.

"IVote" - role models from the industry

Under the motto "IVote", the initiative reflects industry's commitment to strengthening democratic participation and raising awareness of the crucial role that EU policy plays in everyday life and in the economy. "IVote" puts the spotlight on individuals whose daily efforts create jobs, shape the future and generate the basis for our stable social system. By involving entrepreneurs and their employees, the IV wants to emphasize the importance of the EU elections and thus contribute to increasing voter turnout

The "IVote" campaign uses a direct and authentic communication strategy: instead of relying on generic advertising material, the campaign presents real people from the industry. It is not only employees and the President and Secretary General of the Federation of Austrian Industries who appear in front of the camera for the subjects. CEOs, employees and apprentices from many of the 5,000 member companies of the IV are also taking part and sending a signal for democracy and European cohesion with personal "IVote" pictures.

In addition to the personalized subjects, the IV also relies on digital media and social networks to reach a wide audience and especially motivate those who may be hesitant to vote in the elections. The campaign emphasizes the benefits of a strong and united European Union and invites people to be an active part of it.

Mobilizing for Europe's future

Voting in the 2024 EU elections is an opportunity to play an active role in shaping Europe's future. At a time when the voice of every individual is more important than ever, initiatives such as those of the European Commission and the Federation of Austrian Industries aim to create a broad awareness of the importance of this election and encourage people to stand up for their beliefs. "Every vote in the EU elections helps to decide the future of the economic location, which is under pressure and is the basis for prosperity, innovation and social security," says IV President Georg Knill.

Photos of the campaign can be found HERE.

You can find the campaign video HERE.